
She realised at some stage in her life that she needed the grace of God. She put her life into the hands of the Lord Jesus. She trusted him to forgive her and transform her life.

An outside observer might misunderstand what they saw in her life. This was not the life of a naturally good woman. Nor was it the life of a woman who was trying to prove to herself, or to others, or to God, that she was a good woman. She wan't ever thinking about being a good woman as far as I know.

She was mostly thinking about Jesus and how to serve him. And she thought like this because of what Jesus had done in her life. What he had done for her and to her. Changed her. Pardoned her. Put his Spirit in her. Lived his life through her. What the outside observer actually saw was the life of Jesus being lived through her.

And in her death she trusted Jesus' own resurrection to be the basis of her hope for resurrection. Ruby had a sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life. Her sure and certain hope depended on the death and resurrection of Jesus to allow her to be forgiven and raised with him.

It did not depend on how good she was. On the contrary, how good she was found its source in her trust in Jesus' death and resurrection.

When you reach the time to enter into the presence of God forever, on what grounds will you seek admission?
