“In that direction,” the Cat said, waving its right paw round, “lives a Hatter: and in that direction,” waving the other paw, “lives a March Hare. Visit either you like: they’re both mad.”
Finding direction for a church can be difficult. Even with GPS we still need to know where we want to head. Actually that is where the problem lies. It is not we who have to set the direction. The question is, “Where does the Head want us to head?”
Fortunately the Gospel Positioning Story has given us a heading. To the nations. To the ends of the earth. To all the tribes and languages and peoples. With the gospel of repentance and forgiveness. With the announcement of Christ’s Lordship.
Church life can sometimes feel like Wonderland – lots of activity but not going anywhere. Indeed some church life is like Wonderland. How to get out of the dream?
Remember how Alice got out?