Will our gifts really go to help people? How much will stay in Australia as administration costs? Will what goes to the needy help them become self-providing or will it just maintain them in their need? Will it mostly be the means of some NGO keeping itself in business?

Are these the questions of a cynic? Or a miser? They could be. But they could also be the questions of the wise. Welfare and Relief are big industries these days. It is worth finding out what these kinds of groups do and how they operate.

In the process of finding out what they do, we could also consider assisting more than we do. Which of all the projects and ministries that you find out about comes closest to your heart? Which are the ones you can see God’s hand in? Which are the ones you would lend a hand to if you were there on the spot?

And as for wastage. Sure, steer clear of the dishonest and incompetent. But an open hand is better than a calculating heart. Owners of Green Bins should not be too particular. Observe the great Giver, how wasteful he is, how much more than necessary he has built into his creation. How much more he blesses us than we deserve.

Received freely? Give freely.

