
Why was he coming? To set things to rights. To rescue his people (who with some notable exceptions didn’t really want to be rescued). To get rid of the powers that messed up his world. To deal with the inbuilt rebelliousness of the race. To represent it and act for it and to take it to death. To finally carry out the death sentence that had been pronounced at the beginning of the story. To rid the race at last of the canker that kept turning it away from God. To raise it up to a new life that would now derive only from himself.

To start a new race you could say. A race that loved God, that followed his way, that knew God, that enjoyed the presence of the living God every day. To introduce into the world a contrary group of people who would carry out the wishes of the Lord of all the earth.

Advent reminds us that he has come. That Jesus is the one who came. That this is why he came. That our identity and future now depends on whether we belong to this Jesus and have his life in us.

Advent reminds us that he is coming again. Coming to call all to account. Coming to rescue for good all those who have put their lives in his hands. Coming as the great Ruler to put everything to rights.

Coming to be glorified.  Ready?

