The clergy have a primary role to teach and train all of us to make disciples, and to build up the disciples into the likeness of Christ. That is, their primary goal is directed towards the invisible church. That is why the much neglected sacrament of Baptism is so important. It is no wonder then that good clergy will try to divert us from our normal activities. They will try to get us weaned away from just attending services. They will try to tell us that the content of the services (especially the Holy Communion) demands our involvement in the ministries of building up the body of Christ.
They will invite the willing into training teams, small groups, ministry teams. Their aim is to see the whole church trained and ministering as disciple makers, and disciple builders. They believe that the whole world is to be made disciples and taught how to follow Jesus.
And the benefits? To those who believe and follow his lead Jesus offers the ultimate bread, the best friendships, and front row seats to see the glory of the family’s Father and Son.
Clergy are trainers, equippers, coaches, mentors for the rest of us who are the ministers. They want all the people who attend the services to join the ministry. They think that the more who do, the more lively church will become.