
If one of them turns up in our parish (well, some of them have already) we need to beware of this other role. They will try to divert us from our normal activities. They will try to get us weaned away from just doing “the play”. They will try to tell (some of us at least) that the play is a secret code that demands our involvement in the affairs of “the family”.

They will invite the willing into training teams. Training recruiters and more trainers. Their delusion (is it a delusion?) is that the whole church has to join the recruiters and be trained as recruiters and trainers. Because (foolishly?) they believe that the whole world is to be recruited into “the invisible family”. And made members of more recruiting teams.

And the bread and circuses? The family offers the ultimate bread, the best friendships, and front row seats to see the glory of the family’s Father and Son. But most of it is invisible. Or most visible, we should say, to those who work in the family’s recruiting and training teams.

The subversive recruiter-trainer-priests think that you can tell whether someone belongs to the family by whether that are themselves recruiter-trainers. So you can see they are quite dangerous people. They want all the people who attend “the play” to join the team. They think that the more who do, the more lively the play will become.

Do we really need more of these high-level recruiters and trainers?

