Nothing pleases them more than to have God talk with them and listen to them. And the payment? That kind of friendship and relationship with God is the payment. Not that it is ever thought of as payment. But it is the thing God gives to those who do that kind of thing. He gives himself to them in other words.
And those who are pre-occupied, self-focussed, too busy? Those who are “wilfully ignorant” as CS Lewis termed it. Who take no notice of God, or who treat him as an occasional helper, or patronise him by doing things for him from time to time? What repayment is due for doing that kind of thing?
One option is that God might just leave them up to their own choices. Kind of let them go. That is quite a scary choice. It might mean that we were really fooling ourselves in thinking we were doing anything that impressed God. Even more scary it might mean he had abandoned us.
Or, if God has made us so we could be his friends and enjoy him and glorify him, he might get really upset with such high-handed rejection.