

Psychology as Religion: the cult of self-worship. By Paul Vitz (Eerdmans 1994. ISBN 9780802807250).

Responsible Dominion: a Christian approach to sustainable development by Ian Hore-Lacy (Regent, 2006. ISBN 1573833428). Includes discussion of the nuclear energy choice.  A review is here.

Two very readable books on the Genesis side of the debate are:

Salvation Begins: reading Genesis today by Andrew Reid (Aquila, 2000. ISBN 1875861831).  Andrew Reid is a former rector of Shenton Park and currently lecturer at Ridley College Melbourne.  This is an excellent introduction to Genesis that places the text in its contexts and relates it to some of the science debate. Very helpful.

In the Beginning: The opening chapters of Genesis by Henri Blocher (Apollos, 1984. ISBN 9780851113210).  This is a thorough study of the first few chapters of Genesis which interacts with the scientific  debate about origins. Like Collins he distinguishes different Christian approaches (what he calls anti-scientism, fideism and concordism).  If you want a thorough discussion of the Genesis text – here is an excellent starting point.

