

Christians are often pressured into agreeing with the multiculturalists’ view reported above. But sincere followers of other religions are unlikely to agree with this idea. Indeed it amounts to serious blasphemy in more than one religion.

So do the differences matter? As far as Christianity is concerned the crucial difference has to do with Jesus. Jesus himself went so far as to say to the Jews of his day that whether they really knew God could be tested by whether they believed in him. He claimed to be one with the Father, to have come from God and to return to God. He claimed the authority of God to forgive sins. Some of the Jewish theologians of his day understood him to be claiming equality with God – a charge he did not deny, and that ultimately led to his death.

No other religion agrees with this. The authority and divinity of Jesus stands at the heart of Christianity. Deny Jesus and the whole of Christianity disappears in dust.

That is why it is impossible to be a Christian without a central and whole-hearted devotion to Jesus. Ethics and morality are not the essence of Christianity. Jesus is.

