Genesis 2011
Genesis 2011
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- Hits: 2131
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1. God in the beginning Genesis 1.1 - 2.3
Outline of Genesis, intro to Gen 1, what God does according to Gen 1
Bible readings: Genesis 1.1 -2.3; Hebrews 1.1-14, John 1.1-18
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- Hits: 2064
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2. God's Day off Gen 1.26 - 2.3
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on Sunday May 15, 2011
Bible Readings: Genesis 1.26 - 2.3; Psalm 95; Hebrews 4.1-13; Mark 2.23-27
Humans in God's likeness and God's rest day in his temple where humans live. Why humans should take a day off.
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- Hits: 2107
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3. The Helper Genesis 2.4-25
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 22 May 2011
Bible Readings: Genesis 2.4-25; Psalm 8; Revelation 22.1-5; Matthew 19.1-12
Two trees and two humans. The helper who is the matching opposite, bone and flesh the same. Three basic foundations of marriage: leaving, clinging, one flesh
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- Hits: 2291
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4. Voices in the Garden Genesis 3
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 29 May 2011
Bible readings: Genesis 3.1-24; Psalm 139.1-12; Revealtion 12.1-17; Luke 4.1-13
Humans becoming the ones who decide good and evil; judgments and promises of blessing and the fulfilment in the death of Christ; and the message for the nations of life instead of death
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- Hits: 2240
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5. Two brothers: Choosing Good Genesis 4
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 5 June 2011
Bible Readings: Genesis 4.1-16; Psalm 116; 1 John 3.1-18; Matthew 5.21-26
Choosing what is good according to God, why Cain's offering was not accepted and how it relates to our serving of Jesus
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- Hits: 2193
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6. Babel Genesis 11
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 26 June 2011
(apologies for the audio)
Bible readings: Genesis 11.1-9; Psalm 2; Acts 2.5-12; John 10.14-18
Human plans for identity and security rather than God's plans and care. Sequel in Acts 2 and Acts 8
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- Hits: 3083
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7. Abraham: A new Beginning - Gen 12-15
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 3 July 2011
Bible Readings: Genesis 12.1-3; Psalm 105.1-15; Galatians 3.1-14; John 8.39-59
Abraham summoned and promised and believes and obeys. For whom is the Land, Descendants and Blessing of Abraham?
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- Hits: 2610
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8. Struggling with God Genesis 32.22-32
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 31 July 2011
Jacob struggling with God. Fear and anxiety and the Lord who strives for Jacob
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- Hits: 2359
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9. God intended it for good: Genesis 37-50
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 8 August 2011
Bible Readings: Genesis 45.1-15; Psalm 91; Acts 7.1-16; Luke 22.39-46
Joseph: God's suffering saviour who understood what God was doing when he was living what looked like a wasted life. Jospeh is the end of the first part of the story, but the end of the big story is in Revelation.