Ten Commandments
Ten Commandments
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- Hits: 1980
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10 Quitting the Desire Addiction
Series: The Top Ten in Twenty Ten: The Updated Ten Commandments for today
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 6 June 2010
Coveting Contentment: how to get free of being ruled by desires
Bible readings: Exodus 20.1-17; Psalm 1; Hebrews 13.1-6; Luke 12.13-21
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- Hits: 1850
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Truth: Do we need it?
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 13 June 2010
Bible Readings: Exodus 23.1-2; John 8.31-32; 18.37,38; Rom 1.18,25; 2 Cor 4.1-6; Eph 4.14-15.
Commandment 9: Don't bear false witness against your neighbour. The problem of truth in public life, cyber bullying, slander, truth in court system and media. Truth in church
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- Hits: 1976
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Good Sex (Don't commit adultery)
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 27 June 2010.
Bible readings: Genesis 2.23-24; Prov 5.15-20; Jer 7.1-11; 1 Cor 6.9-20; Matt 5.27-32
Help in an environment where sex and relationships are protrayed so differently to biblical ways. How to build marriages and teach young people about sex.
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- Hits: 2328
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Am I my Parents' Keeper?
Sermon on the 5th Commandment: Honour your father and your mother
Preached at Christ the King Willetton on 25 July 2010
Bible readings: Gen 49.28-33; Eph 6.1-4; Matt 15.1-9; Deut 6.1-11; Deut 11.
1. The Foundation
2. What if they are not honoured?
3. What if they are bad?
4. Should we honour our parents for their sake?
5. Honour your parents so that you will live long in the land
6. Do your parents know how to live like this?
7. What if your parents don’t know?
8. What heritage of my parents do I keep?
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- Hits: 2264
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3. Knowing God's Name
Bible Readings: Exodus 34.1-9; Phil 2.1-11; John 8.48-59
Knowing the Lord's name; misusing his name; how to use rightly the name of the Lord.
- Details
- Hits: 1947
{podcast id=185}
1. Only one God
The first commandment and how to keep all the commandments
Bible readings: Exodus 20.1-3; Isaiah 40.18-31; Rev 4.1-11; Mark 10.17-22; Matt 6.33
1. Understanding the commandments
Exodus 20.1-3
2. Keeping the commandments
Mark 10.17ff; Matt 6.28-33