The Cross through the eyes of ...
The Cross through the eyes of ...
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- Hits: 2284
{podcast id=114}
The Cross through the eyes of Jesus
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 21 February 2010
Bible readings:
Is 40.1-11; Rom 10.4-13; Mk 10.45; Lk 9.18-27; 9.51; 15.1-32; Jn 15.13
Sermon Outline
1. Jesus saw the cross from ....
2. Jesus understood his death in terms of ...
3. Jesus explained his ministry and death in terms of ...
4. Humility and giving his life was ... with who he was
and shows something about the
character of ...
value of ...
way of life of ....
5. So
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- Hits: 2078
{podcast id=115}
The Cross through the eyes of Isaiah
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on Sunday 28 February 2010
Bible Readings: Isaiah 52.13 - 53.12; Rom 10.14-21; Luke 13.1-9; Rom 3.25; 2 Cor 5.21; 1 Pet 3.18
How Isaiah helps us understand the death of Jesus and why Jesus had to suffer so much.
Sermon Outline
1. Isaiah’s World (Is 40-55)
A new thing Is 42.9; 43.19
2. The Servant who Suffers—Why?
d. Vindicated Is 50.8-9; 53.10b-12
3. The Great Servant
a. Who is it?
b. Christ? 2 Cor 5.21; Rom 3.25; 1 Pet 3.18
c. Why a violent death?
d. Still the same
2 Cor 1.3-7; 4.7-12; Hb 2.10-18; 1 Pet 2.20-25
4. Isaiah and us?
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- Hits: 2113
{podcast id=116}
The cross through the eyes of a Hebrew Christian
The letter to the Hebrews and the death of Jesus as an encouragement to despondent and distracted Christians
Sermon Outline
A. This Hebrew Christian looks at the cross and sees ...
1. A struggling despondent church
2.15; 3.6,12-14; 4.1,11; 4.14-16; 5.11; 6.1; 6.1,18; 10.19; 10.39; 12.1; 12.3-4; 12.12
2. A New High Priest
6.20; 7.24, 25
3. A New Sacrifice
2.17; 9.12; 9.14;
4. A New Entry into the Holy Place
B. And encourages his friends ... 10.19—12.12; 13.12-13
C. And us ...
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- Hits: 2201
{podcast id=117}
The Cross through the eyes of John
Bible readings: Isaiah 43.16-21; 1 John 4.7-21; John 12.20-36
Sermon Outline
John stands near the cross and sees ...
1. Did he lay down his life?
2. Did he do this for the world?
3. So?
Rev 5.6ff
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- Hits: 2058
{podcast id=118}
The cross through the eyes of Paul.
Galatians 2-5. Being crucified with Christ. Living by faith, and by the Spirit.
Sermon Outline
1. The Two Tables 2.12
2. Paul’s No Rules Table 2.15-20
3. Living by Faith 2.20
4. Living by the Spirit
5. So?
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- Hits: 1911
{podcast id=119}
The Cross through our eyes.
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on Good Friday 2010
Bible Reading: 2 Cor 5.11 - 6.2
What makes Christians behave strangely? Christians are compelled by the love of Christ to live for Christ and not for themselves.
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- Hits: 2047
{podcast id=120}
The Cross through the eyes of God the Father
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on Easter Day 2010
Bible Readings: Isaiah 25.6-9; Acts 2.22-36; John 20.1-18
God has raised Jesus and exalted him to his right hand, swallowed up death forever, made Jesus Lord of all, given him the Holy Spirit to pour out in his people.
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- Hits: 1512
{podcast id=435}
The Cross through the eyes of Jesus
"The cross through the eyes of Jesus"' is a series of Lenten Studies and is available as a downloadable pdf file, ready to be printed as a small booklet. Click here to view, right click to save to your computer. |
Sermon preached at St Mark's Bassendean on 18 February 2018. First in a series of Lenten Sermons
Bible Readings: Is 40.1-11; Psalm 37.1-13; Rom 10.4-13 Luke 9.18-27
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- Hits: 1542
{podcast id=437}
"The cross through the eyes of Jesus"' is a series of Lenten Studies and is available as a downloadable pdf file, ready to be printed as a small booklet. Click here to view, right click to save to your computer. |
The Cross through the eyes of Isaiah 2018
Sermon preached at St Mark's Bassendean on 25 February 2018. Second in a series of Lenten Sermons
Bible Readings: Is 52.13 – 53.12; Psalm 37.14-22; Rom 10.14-17 Luke 18.31-34
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- Hits: 1471
{podcast id=442}
Cross through the eyes of Peter
"The cross through the eyes of Jesus"' is a series of Lenten Studies and is available as a downloadable pdf file, ready to be printed as a small booklet. Click here to view, right click to save to your computer. |
Sermon preached at St Mark's Bassendean on 11 March 2018. Fourth in a series of Lenten Sermons
Bible Readings: Isaiah 52.1-12; Ps 37.27-33; 1 Peter 2.13-25; Lk 5.1-11
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- Hits: 1652
{podcast id=443}
The Cross through the eyes of John
Sermon preached at St Mark's Bassendean on 18 March 2018. Fifth in a series of Lenten Sermons
Bible Readings: Isaiah 42.1-9; Ps 37.34-40; 1 John 4.19-21; John 12.20-36
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- Hits: 1504
{podcast id=446}
The Cross through our eyes: Good Friday
Sermon preached at St Mark's Bassendean on Good Friday, 30 March 2018. Seventh in a series of Lenten Sermons
Bible Readings: Is 52.13-53.12; Ps 22; 2 Cor 5.11-6.2; Mk 14.43-15.47
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- Hits: 981
{podcast id=672}
The Cross through the Eyes of Jesus
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at St George's Carnarvon on Sunday February 14, 2021
Bible Readings: Is 40.1-11; Ps 37.1-5; Rom 10.4-13; Luke 9.18-28
YouTube video of this sermon can be seen here.
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- Hits: 925
{podcast id=673}
The Cross through the eyes of Isaiah (21)
sermon preached by Dale Appleby at St George's Carnarvon on Sunday February 21, 2021
Bible Readings: Is 52.13 - 53.12; Ps 37.12-22; Rom 10.14-17; Luke 9.31-34
YouTube video of this sermon can be seen here.
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- Hits: 1065
{podcast id=674}
The Cross through the eyes of a Hebrew Christian (2021)
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at St George's Carnarvon on Sunday February 28, 2021
Bible Readings: Is 55.1-9; Ps 37.23-26; Heb 9.23-28; Mark 10.35-45
YouTube video of this sermon can be seen here.
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- Hits: 1053
{podcast id=675}
The Cross through the eyes of Peter (2021)
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at St George's Carnarvon on Sunday March 7 2021
Bible Readings: Is 52.1-12; Ps 37.27-33; 1 Peter 2.13-25; Mark 8.27 - 9.1
YouTube video of this sermon can be seen here.
- Details
- Hits: 1113
{podcast id=676}
The Cross through the eyes of John (2021)
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at St George's Carnarvon on Sunday March 14 2021
Bible Readings: Is 42.1-9; Ps 37.34-40; 1 John 4.19-21; John 10.11-21
YouTube video of this sermon can be seen here.
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- Hits: 1041
{podcast id=677}
The Cross through the eyes of Paul (2021)
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at St George's Carnarvon on Sunday March 21 2021
Bible Readings: Is 50.4-9; Ps 40.1-10; 1 Cor 1.18-31; Lk 23.44-49
YouTube video of this sermon can be seen here.