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- Hits: 1907
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Advancing the Gospel? Phil 1.1-14
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 10 Jan 10. The first of a series on the letter to the Philippians
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- Hits: 2019
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A Church Life worthy of the Gospel Phil 1.27 - 2.11
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 24 January 2010
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- Hits: 2149
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Put it to Work Phil 2.12-30
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 31 January 2010
Working out our salvation means holding on to and obeying the word of life so that we grow up into a flourishing and fruitful fulfilment of the gospel.
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- Hits: 2358
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How to Gain Christ. Phil 3.1-11
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 7 February 2010
The futility of religious attainment and how to gain Christ by other means, thst is by God's gift of righteousness because of Christ's righteousness.
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- Hits: 1951
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Winning the Prize Phil 3.12 - 4.23
Sermon preached at Christ the King Willetton on 14 February 2010
Paul encourages Christians to press on in trust that God will justify them without recourse to religious activities. And that he will supply the money needed to do his work.
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- Hits: 464
Missionaries to Macedonia Acts 16
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at Church of the Resurrection Lockridge on Sunday, January 8, 2023
Bible Readings: Acts 16.6-15; Philippians 4.14-23
- Details
- Hits: 386
Partners in the Gospel Phil 1.1-11
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at Church of the Resurrection Lockridge on Sunday, January 15, 2023
Bible Readings: Philippians 1.1-11
- Details
- Hits: 392
Advancing the Gospel Phil 1.12-26
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at Church of the Resurrection Lockridge on Sunday, January 22, 2023
Bible Readings: Philippians 1.12-26
- Details
- Hits: 407
Shoulder to Shoulder Philippians 1.27-30
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at Church of the Resurrection Lockridge on Sunday, January 29, 2023
Bible Readings: Philippians 1.27-30
- Details
- Hits: 432
Like Christ Philippians 2.1-11
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at Church of the Resurrection Lockridge on Sunday, February 5, 2023
Bible Readings: Philippians 2.1-11
- Details
- Hits: 498
No one like him Philippians 2.12-30
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at Church of the Resurrection Lockridge on Sunday, February 12, 2023
Bible Readings: Philippians 2.12-30
- Details
- Hits: 420
Citizens of Heaven Philippians 3.12 - 4.1
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at Church of the Resurrection Lockridge on Sunday, February 26, 2023
Bible Readings: Philippians 3.21 - 4.1
- Details
- Hits: 401
Joy and Peace Philippians 4.2-9
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at Church of the Resurrection Lockridge on Sunday, March 5, 2023
Bible Readings: Philippians 4.2-9
- Details
- Hits: 365
Being Content Philippians 4.10-23
Sermon preached by Dale Appleby at Church of the Resurrection Lockridge on Sunday, March 12, 2023
Bible Readings: Philippians 4.10-23