Reading Guide to Ephesians
You might like to use this sheet to help you read the letter to the Ephesians.
First read the letter right through in one sitting.
Read the background in Acts 18 – 20.
Then read Ephesians again looking for:
1. Structure
Can you identify the main parts of the letter?
2. Themes:
1. What are the main theme or themes (i.e. what dominates the letter?)
2. What does it say about Jesus Christ?
3. What does it say about the church?
4. What is the definition of the “mystery” in this letter?
3. Jewish and Gentile Christians:
1. Why are these two groups distinguished in the letter?
2. Is he writing more to one group than the other?
3. Why is he writing about this?
4. Paul
1. What does Paul get worked up about?
2. What are the main things that Paul prays for them?
5. Us:
What does the letter have to say to modern Christians and churches?